Climate Technologies Assessment for North Macedonia Industry taking into account comments from the CNI WG enterprises, UNIDO and MoEPP
Client: UNIDO; 6.2022-8.2023
Secondary legislation implementing the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive – Phase 2; European Western Balkans Joint Fund: REEP Plus Framework – Policy Dialogue
Client:EBRD/ Economic Consulting Associates (UK);
Beneficiary: Ministry of Economy; 10.2021-7.2023
Multilevel governance approaches in the energy and the climate policy planning and governance,
Client:GTZ/GIC Macedonia, 6.2022
Study of the Rationale and Pricing for Performance Based Payments and Technical Assistance for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Solutions, North Macedonia,
Client: UNDP/Frankfurt School of Finance and Management
gemeinnützige GmbH, 6-9.2021
Addressing energy poverty in the Energy Community Contracting Parties,
Update of the MVP BU methodology,
Client: GTZ/GIC Macedonia, 9.2019-2.2020
Advise for preparation of the NEEAP IV 2019 – 2021
Client:GTZ/GIC, 9.2019-2.2020
Energy Efficiency Law, West Balkans REEP Plus Framework,
Client: EBRD/ Economic Consulting Associates (UK);
Beneficiary: Ministry of Economy; 4.2018-4.2019
Facilitating Multi-level governance for Energy Efficiency,
HORIZON 2020 Programme, 2.2015- 7.2017
Reducing energy use and change habits, REACH
Client: : EU Commission, Inteligent Energy Programme, 3.2014-2.2017
Decarbonization of the electricity production in Macedonia – Vision 2050,
Client: European Climate Foundation, 2-10.2016
South East Europe Electricity Roadmap- SEEERMAP
Client: European Climate Foundation, 10.2016-2.2017
SHORT STOCKTAKING STUDY, Electro- energy sector
Client: European Climate Foundation, 2016
Refurbishment of the Public Building Stock Towards nZEB
Client: : EU Commission, Inteligent Energy Programme, 3.2014-10.2016
Triggering the market uptake of energy performance contracting through street lighting refurbishment projects,
Client: EU Commission, Inteligent Energy Programme, 4.2014-3.2016
3 Year Action Plan for Households,
Client: EuropeAid/ 1 29822lD/S ER/MK/,
Beneficiary: Ministry of Economy;4-7.2015
Supporting Implementation of Sustainable EE Lending,
Client: Oppenheim Asset Management Ser-vices – Green for Growth Fund, 3.2011-9.2019
Market research and analysis for the development of renewable en-ergy projects in the region of Southeast Europe,
Client: Energy Institute Hrvoje Pozar/Hrvatska Elektro-priveda (Croatia), 12.2013-02.2015
“Energy in Central and Eastern Europe – enerCEE.net”: Update of the Energy Country Profile of Macedonia,
Client:Österreichische Energieagentur – Austrian Energy Agency,2014
Increasing energy efficiency and utilization of renewable energy sources in the cross-border region,
Client: IPA Cross-Border Programme Republic of Macedonia-Republic of Albania, 2007-2013, 3rd Call for proposals, 10.2013-11.2014
Towards resource efficient urban communities in SEE,
Client: South East Europe INTERREG Programme, 9.2012-8.2014
Preparation of energy audits of public buildings, preparation of technical specifications and documentation and supervision;
Client: “Sustainable Energy Project” – WB/GEF trust fund grant number TF057107
Beneficiary: Ministry of Economy; 2.2011-1.2013
Widening the Thermal Solar Energy Exploitation by the Successful Models,
Client: IPA tool thru SEE Transnational Program, 6.2010-5.2013
WeBSEFF- Western Balkan Sustainable Energy Finance Facility, Regional multi country project, Energy Audit of industrial processes,
Client:E3 International/EBRD, 6.2010-5.2012
Conducting study on the economic and environmental impact of the solar – thermal collectors in the hospitals in Stip and Gostivar
Client: WHO, 2011-2012
Development of National Methodology for Monitoring, Evaluation and Verification of Energy Savings – Development of Bottom-Up Methods,
Client: GTZ/GIC Beneficiary: Ministry of Economy;2.-5.2011
Consultancy services for a policy framework to support implementation of climate policy at the local level
Client: UNDP, 2011
Assessment of methodologies for the calculation of energy performance of buildings, corresponding climate parameter and climate data requirements,
Client: UNDP, 12.2009-5.2010
Piloting energy efficiency and renewable energy sources in pilot health institutions
Client: WHO – Protecting health from Climate change in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, 2010
Balkan Regional Residential Energy Efficiency Report,
Client: IFC, 6-12.2009
Skopje CCHP Plant 200 MW, Feasibility Study
Client: World Bank/ENPRIMA Oy Int.
Beneficiary: Ministry of Economy; 3-9.2009
Affordability of Utility Services in Urban Housing: Energy and Water Efficiency Solutions for Europe & Eurasia,
Client: Alliance to Save Energy (USA)/EnEffect (BG), 2005-2006
Southeast Europe Regional Energy Market Support Project, Youth Employment Program,
Client: USAID/MGGF/International Resources Group Inc., 7.-10.2005